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Smoke smell in Leather

I would take it to a dry cleaner, if the jacket smells that bad from smoke I wonder where else it has been or who wore it.

Bounce dryer sheets have worked for me. Also they help to keep the bugs away. Used to always have some when camping with the boy scouts.
I tried febreeze in a t-bag that I got from a friend that smokes, It smell'd bad enough I was ready to give it back and buy a new one. Sprayed it like normal, 2 days later it still smells light cig smoke so I really soak it down cause if a little is good than soaked has to be better, well 2 days later I wiped it dry and let it set for a day, still smokie smell, I think the t-bag was left at a bar and it was manditory to have who ever smokes had to exhale into it for a free drink. I thinking of finding a dead squirrel, put it inside and set it in the sun to see if that smell will overcome the smoke smell.