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Snowbirding in AZ

Headline - Del Rio, TX

On the way home, we ran into some cold weather east of El Paso. It finally started to sink into the wife that we were going home during the coldest part of the year, even though I tried really hard to make her understand that. Suddenly, I heard a loud wail, I don't want to go home if it's still cold. :newsmile08: So, we stopped in Del Rio. It was 78* yesterday, so she had me sign up for a month. :lolrolling

I spent some time on the map program today and figured out that I can ride the 3 Sisters pretty easily from here, so it may be okay. Need to spend some time washing the rig also. Ran through some road construction on the way here. Pavement was ripped up and they were watering the road bed to keep the dust down. Not really sure what color the Dyna is any more. :bigsmiley19:
Took a ride to the Hill Country yesterday to ride the Twisted Sisters. Started out in a light fog/overcast, but broke by 0900 and had a sunny day from that point. Wind wasn't bad until I got on US 90 for the last 30 miles back to Del Rio.

I knew it was going to be a good ride as soon as I saw this valley. This was on Hwy 55 running south from Rock Springs.

I turned back north when I got to Ranch Road 335 at Barksdale. I noticed that most of the fences along the side of the road were very high, and a tight mesh. Pretty soon I saw some African Antelope of some kind, and remembered that there are a lot of exotic game farms in the area. I had to stop and get a shot of this. There must have been 30 kangaroos in this enclosure.

RR 335 follows the Nueces river, sometimes crossing it, sometimes high on the valley wall. A beautiful ride, nice curves, and I had it to myself. RR 335 ends at Hwy 41. Take a right for about 13 miles and you are at the start of RR 336. Follow this to the end at Leakey. Along the way, I spotted a graveyard for old implements. I love the ingenuity some people demonstrate, and the play on words was great.

I found a gas station in Leakey. Make sure you start this ride with a full tank, this was the first time I had seen any gas along the way.

From Leakey, get on RR 337 towards Camp Wood. About a half mile of so you will find the Frio Canyon Motorcycle Stop. Stop and get a bite to eat, something to drink, and browse the store. You can get the authentic "Twisted Sisters" T-shirt here.

After Camp Wood, head south on Hwy 55 for about 18 to 20 miles. Then turn west onto RR 334 and follow it to Bracketville. Along the way, you will have a nice road with easy curves. I passed a lot of trees with holly in them. So much holly, no pretty girl in sight.

Due to the rain we have had lately, all of the creeks were high. This is what a lot of the stream crossings looked like.

The water was forming whirlpools where it was being sucked down into the culverts.

Once I got to Bracketville, US 90 is about 2 blocks south of the stop sign. Onto 90 and it was about 30 miles back to Del Rio. Along the way, I spotted another one of the US Border Patrol's drags. They pull these behind their trucks on the service roads to smooth the dirt to make it easier to spot foot prints. At least that is what I believe they do it for, haven't asked one of them yet.

All in all, a great ride, and one I highly recommend. Just remeber, gas is not easily found on this ride, plan ahead. Here is the map of the route I took.
Almost forgot; the lady at the Frio Canyon Motorcycle Stop told me about another road. RR 674 runs from Bracketville to Rocksprings. She said it was a beautiful road, about 70 miles long. Due to timing, I could not ride it yesterday, but plan on going back next week to check it out. On the map, this is the road in yellow.

I'm jealous Jake. :) I definitely want to do that ride. Actually, you are a bad influence on me. I'm liking what you have done in the last's giving me ideas. :s
I hear that! So can 'principles' according to my brother. :newsmile011:
Jake, as always, I sure enjoyed your ride report. Somehow I missed your January 17 post saying you were headed home early. I knew you went to AZ, but couldn’t figure out how you were riding around the hill country in TX. Once I went back and read all your posts, it made sense. The last time I was in Leakey, TX was May, ’77. I stopped by there to see an old Marine Corps buddy that had retired. I really need to take a ride out that way again to see him before we die of old age. I sure don’t blame ya for moving to a more conducive motasickle riding climate. Right now we are buried in the third major snowstorm of the season; almost unheard of in central Virginia. Have a great time and keep the pictures coming. Fair winds and following seas!
Well, after much discussion, reality is setting in. We still plan on moving to Tucson, but it may not be for a while. We are going to do some work on the house when we get home, as the budget and time will allow. With the market like it is right now, not sure if this is the right time to do it. I'll probably get in touch with the realtor and discuss it, realizing that she will recommend selling cause that's her job. :p

A driver to the move is the fact that middle TN has had 2 snowstorms in the last week, with one of them dumping 12" at our house. Unusual for that part of the country, and not something I enjoy. I had all the snow I wanted growing up in NE. May not have gotten a lot of inches compared to some parts of the country, but when you are shoveling through a snowdrift that is measured in feet, it is a lot of snow.

Guess I'm rambling today, but I am looking forward to those additional rides Tank talked about. :s
Thanks for your posts and pictures, Jake. Even though I'm stuck in the snow here, it was enjoyable reading about your trip. :bigsmiley11: