Well, I have to say, I ride year round, but WHEN it snows here in the very northern reaches of the Phoenix area (usually in Cave Creek - ~5 min north of me.), it doesn't stay very long :no . For example, it snowed :ap about 1/2 to 1 inch two years ago and that lasted about 2 hours - hardly enough to bring out the salt, but it did cause some of the Saguaros' arms :small3d009: to bend downward!!
That said -- I would like to welcome you all to the Phoenix area any time you feel the need to ride without snow, salt - you get the idea. However, I need to warn you, we do have
snowbirds'. What's a
snowbird? It, is one of those pesky old drivers that is retired and unable to handle the winter :newsmile033: where you live. They migrate here (to escape the 'cold' :newsmile062: ) and drive us crazy on the roads. You know the kind, either drive vveeeerrrrrrryyyy slowly or so fast, they have to slam on the brakes at a stop . They turn right from the left lane and never use a center lane to turn left. You get the idea

anic -- of course you do, driving there is so much easier now without them, if you discount the weather factors.
Anyway, if you want to come down this way, I'd be glad to show you around or point out the cool riding areas.
By the way, when I lived in Missouri, Wisconsin, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia -- I reluctantly :cry would put my bike away until the salt cleared -- it was way to harsh. As for my current ride, she is so special to me, NO WAY :nosad she will be subjected to salt if I can help it!!
CatWoman ::rider