My '03 RKC had a problem, where the front brakes did not engage until I got closer to the grip than I was comfortable with. It would pump up somewhat, but not much, and would be right back down next time I actuated it.
I tried bleeding 1st, to see if I could get better response. I did not notice a change in lever response during bleeding, so I removed the front MC and installed the rebuild kit. I did not see anything with my eyes that would indicate that the original seals were bad (no significant wear on the main cup, but some on the back 'o'-ring). Put it back together and bled it, while pumping a complete replacement of fluid as well as evacuation of any bubbles. Original was yellowish, while the new was purple-ish. DOT 5 was called for. I hope that was what was in it.
Seemed to be slight improvement, but not much. The improvement seems to show on the road test...but only just a bit.
Using the lever, I pumped her up as high as she would go and held her there with bungee cord overnight. Tapped around lines and MC in the morning, then released the lever and pumped her up real good. She seems to have improved greatly. I repeated the bungee today. A bit better. I'll continue for 3 more days then see what develops over the next few days (she pumps up real good now, and relaxes to a much better place relative to the grip)...
Rich P