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something warm for our nothern buddies

Weather from Key West Florida.

The ice warning light on my car flashed off a couple of times on Thursday however it was snowing again last night and there is going to be a wee bit more at the start of the week

We got into the 50's last Sunday and I managed to sneek in a 40 mile ride.

It was in the 40's and sunny yesterday, so I took the bike in to the dealer to get a new front tire and some other service work done. It was a little chilly riding it home today since it was cloudy. I was happy to be the only crazy guy out on a bike around here today! :D

The dealer was happy to see me however, kind of slow this time of year.
Did you find the H D shop @ the airport?

yup thanks bud got a hoody...and some real strange looks before i got it....note to self "carry lots of clothes incase someone decides you need to go to North Dakota when you only have 2 Tee Shirts with you" oh yea and gloves :newsmile033::newsmile033:
i still think if man was meant to live this far north we would have fur all over our bodies...:swoon
Here you go... this will cool off you southern folks. Took this one last night. It only has to warm up another 41 degrees to get to my minimum for getting the bike out. :p

Will you please send this again during the middle of the summer:lolrolling:lolrolling:lolrolling