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Sons of Anarchy

I watched and I dont think it will be around long, could be better, hard to picture ol Peg as a BAD !!!
I'm glad I have a dvr.. lots of rubbish to fast forward but not as bad as I expected. Thought Peg was one of the better actors... They could lose that pregnant junkie ex-wife rubbish
Not interested. Never had any use for the club lifestyle. Think I'd rather watch Lawrence Welk reruns on PBS.....probably be just as painful.
I can't stand it. Regardless of crappy story, the bikes are what kills it for me. Can you imagine a Bandito riding a bike with a Euro-fairing, let alone a bunch of them? What the heck, don't they film this in CA? Don't they have a million bikers to consult? How many patches are riding brand new, spotless bikes down there?
I was really looking forward to a show my wife hates. All they made was a show we both hate. I'll record an episode or 2 but I'm not staying up to watch anymore of that junk. I could live through the story if they'd just get some decent bikes.

If anyone in Hollywood is reading this, lose the euro-fairings, get some bikes other than Dynas and pay attention to detail!:bigsmiley19:
The fairings blew me away, too. And they all appeared to have them ... what's up with that?

They appear to be playing both sides with the show. In one respect, they have the "bad boys" club. But the kid ... Jackson? ... has found a manuscript that his father wrote about why he founded the club. I guess that will try to be the storyline about what biker clubs are really meant to be and how Jackson is torn between his current lifestyle and his father's "vision" for creating a club.

I thought I would like it more for the bikes than the bad boy storyline, but even the bikes suck.
There were only 2 bikes that weren't a total joke; Jackson's dad's pan (except I think it was green = bad luck) and the dude that rides the rigid. My wife likes the prospect's pretty, white Dyna, with a euro-faring (figures).