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Sons of Anarchy

I think it's a great show. It's not meant for kids and kids shouldn't be watching it. That's a parent's responsibility to manage what their kids watch, not the networks'. Go figure, Katy Sagal is the strongest actor in the series. I cannot relate her and her character in SOA to the Bundy character in that other stupid show. SOA is no grittier or bad than anything else of the genre that's on TV; it just happens to be about a biker gang. Interesting.
I watched two so far and enjoyed them. To me, it's just an entertainement. I am just afraid of those who can't distinguish bet real and fiction and stereotype us. Also, frankly I'd rather that it's on paid channel like hbo. definitely not for kids..
I watched it once last season and thought that it should be cancelled then. We have a bad enough rap with the non riding population already. We don't need their help! imo!
Bro ..the second season started 2 weeks ago.....Tuesdays at 10...

I didn't like this show at first but it kinda grows on ya...It's still a ton of bull but I guess its like a poser soap opera....:rofl
Well, I guess I'm probably gonna catch grief for this but I really like this show. I am e-n-t-e-r-t-a-i-n-e-d by this show. I don't think that anyone really takes this stuff seriously. If anyone thinks that this is how all or most bikers are, they need to make an appointment with their therapist. Seriously, it's TV folks!:yeahright
My wife and I like it too. It is just entertainment, period. It comes on so late though that we have to record it to the DVR and then watch it later.