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Spinal Fusion

Thanks everyone for the piece of mind, not being able to ride was a big concern for me. No pinched nerves, just a cyst on one of the nerves on the right side. I could kick myself for not taking care of this back in April when the discs first started to go.
Not me personally, but have a few uncles who had back fusion procedure(s) and they both still ride w/no problem. Took a little physical therapy & recoup time, but they're back in the saddle.
Hey Hog I just wanna say when have this procedure done I hope all goes well and you have a quick recovery. Keep us updated.

I had two vertabre in my neck fused (bone fusion) and I was off the bike for 6 weeks (Docs orders). I do exercises to keep my neck and back in shape and have managed to put 140,000 + miles on the '94FLSTC and 60,000+ miles on the '05FLTRI. If you stay in shape (before and after the procedure) you should be good to go.
Ok, looks like I'm going to be one of the voices of authority on this one. I've had 8 spine surgeries dating back to the early 70s. Seven in the lumbar region and a 3-level fusion with plates and screws in the neck. In each case it was intractable pain that led me to go with the surgery except for the neck which was to prevent further degeneration, as well as my fingers going numb. Physical therapy never worked for me and surgery was the last resort. Like Jack, I walk with a limp and have foot drop on the left so I use the heel shift to go up the gears and push down with my foot to go down, otherwise I have to use my entire left extremity to shift with my toes. I still have pain but its manageable and I still work 32 hours a week at age 64. I can ride but suffer cramps after riding. Get a good neurosurgeon, expect to come back slowly and with a little luck, yes, you will ride again. Exercise when the doc gives you the ok and walk, walk, walk as long as it doesn't cause pain. Never give up as I've seen so many people do. I think I could have qualified for disability long ago, but disability is for the disabled and I refuse to go there. Too many roads to ride, sights to see and H-D riders to meet. My best wishes for you.
Ishmael, who also happens to be a Physician Assistant
yea my dad does. he had to sell his bike because of back issues. but after a while he is back to riding. he just baught a snowmobile and is riding that so it must be fine. but it all depends on the extent of the injury
The body is a pretty resilient work of nature...have to say Ishmael's story sure reflects that, and the determination to continue to ride. The deal is of course, where and to what extent the damage the spine is a long string of tiny shock absorbing discs and articulating joints. Fusion cuts down on the number of shock absorbers and flexible joints so more stress is handled by the remaining ones. Hope your operation is successful and recovery full...range of motion is key...exercise in moderation of course, good luck. :s
I have had three spinal fusions with the most recent one in October of 2010. My first one was in the neck C5/6. I used to road race and continued to do so after that surgery. The second one was in the neck also C4/5. They had to remove the titanium plate that was in there from the first one and now all three are fused together along with a longer titanium plate. I quit racing and sportbikes all together and bought my FLHTCU just three weeks after the second surgery. I had had lower back issues for the past 10 years as well and had L5/6 completed in October of 2010 with a fusion and titanium rods/screws. I feel fine with the exception of the cold weather. I fully intend on riding once the weather in the northeast breaks and see how the body feels. I do still have more issues withe the spine but hope this is it at least for a while. I have degenerative spinal stenosis and still have 5 hurniated discs but all the majority of the pain from pinched nerves is gone and by not overdoing things when lifting items I can manage just fine. My last big ride was over 5,000 miles including an iron but day last June and I managed that trip just fine. I hope whatever rout you go, it all works out for the best as I can attest back issues are no fun.
I've had 4 back surgeries. Two of them were two years apart to start and complete a 3 level fusion in my lower back. The exact vertebra numbers escape me at the moment. The third was for a laminectomy, and the fourth was to remove a benign senovial cyst from my spinal chord. The two fusion surgeries caused me to be off of the bikes for about four months each. I still ride a lot and it's pretty much pain free. My suggestion is to just do EXACTLY what the Drs. say. Best of luck.
Question about which boot for people w/back trouble? Lots about boots, but not one for those of us with challenges. I have severe lumbar spinal stenosis in 2 places, bad discs, facet syndrome, etc., etc.. Other than exercise, the only thing I do is wear NB shoes with xtra padding in heel and toe. What boot do you guys wear that is spongy enough to dissipate a lot of shock? Thanks for the input. So, My reply about fusion, is it should be the very last resort. It was my understanding that reinforcing one part, will eventually cause wear in another part. I think this is confirmed by some that have had multiple fusions. Not familiar with whether a cyst makes it mandatory, though. Best of luck to you.