First off thanks for the part number for the pulley, I looked at harleys website and they show a pulley kit for bikes up to 2004 and it cost $249.00. It has the pulley, nut and lock plate. I went to and looked up the part for my friends 2005, they have a nice schematic of the parts and it doesn't look like the 2005 pulley has any bearing in it at all just splined on the inner bore and the price was only $63.00 . I am beginning to wonder if the nut loosened up and wallowed out the splines on the tranny pulley. I am picking up a 1 7/8 socket today and am going to get this taken apart to find the problem. I can't see how the nut would come loose with that lock plate over the nut and the 2 bolts holding the lock plate on were plenty tight. Anyone else out there ever experience this before? Thanks for any info Josh