I took it it all apart again, replaced the pump O rings and the accelerator pump nozzle O ring, all 3 were flat.
Adjusted the accelerator pump nozzle so it faces the throttle plate.
The float was sticking and I replaced the needle valve ,the seat and brass shaft. The float level is now 1/8 inch from the top of carb bowl.
I took out the main and intermediate jet.. looked thru them and saw light. Not being a mechanic, I did not know that when looking thru the intermediate jet, the hole had to be larger. I got some carb cleaner and soak it over night then blew it out. CAN ALMOST DRIVE MY CAR THRU IT NOW.
The idle screw is 1 1/4 turn from seat. Run great at idle (1100 RPM) and best off all do not see any black smoke.
The pump adjustment screw is out just under 1/2 turn. I took it for a spin and accelaration is good and without any back firing.
Next I will check timing and if thats good, will fine tune the air mixture screw with a new set of plugs.
Thanks FISHER for your help.
I came really close to calling a tow truck and dropping of at the HD DEALER