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Started to the West Coast

Well, Jake is right, the weather Gods are not looking on us kindly. We waited in Franklin KY until the weather seemed to let up some and rode the 45 miles to Nashville. Poured the whole way. Everything here is flooded, so we will probably stay until tomorrow and try to get a little farther west. I think it's only 30% chance of rain tomorrow. At least here we have something to do whille we wait on the weather. I thought I was protected from the rain with my HD rainsuit, etc., but just after 30 minutes I could feel my pants and shirt start getting wet. When I get back, I want to try to find something better. Will write more later. Jack
Well, it's Sunday afternoon and it's finally quit raining. People are coming into our hotel wanting rooms, but it is sold out. The Opry hotel, one of the areas largest, is shut down with no power. A lot of resturants are closed, either no power, flooding or where their employees can't get to work. Most road are shut down for flooding and people can't get out of town and are having a real problem finding a place to stay. We are hoping by morning that some of the roads will be open and we can get on the road. Guess I've got a bad case of cabin fever and need to get going. A lot of the roads might have the water off of them by morning, but the news is saying that the bridges will have to be inspected before they will allow traffic on them. Seen a picture on the news about a house floating off it's foundation. I'm sure you all have seen the pictures too on your news case, but seeing it first hand, it's hard to believe. I've grown up along the Ohio River and have lived through my share of flooding, but I've never seen anything like this. Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed and maybe we can get back on the rode tomorrow.
Best of luck on your trip! The flooding in that area is pretty much the only thing on the Weather Channel - hopefully all of members in that area are safe and dry.
Well, we finally got out of Nashville. I really feel for the people there, but all I wanted was to get out of there. Most of the major roads were closed this morning, but we managed to get out to I-65 and headed South for a while. We then hit route 50 west and thought we had it made. Wrong!!! To back up a bit, we had wanted to ride the Natchez trace, but where told this morning that part of it was closed due to high water. After riding on route 50 we ran into a road block because of flooding, so they detoured us around it. Guess what, they sent us on Natchez trace. Only for about 10 miles, but it was nice while it lasted. Hopefully we will be able to come down again and ride it start to finish. We finally got past most of the worst of the flooding and got back on I-40 West. At Memphis, we headed north on I-55 until we got to Trumann, AR. We are spending the night here and then getting up to ride a lot of the bike routes out of the HOG atlas. I think this is part of the Ozarks, but I'll have to check the map to find out. Just got in, so haven't had time to check things out yet. Hope this isn't too boring, because I'm sure having fun. More to come later.
indeed not boring,... i think of this post everytime i hear of the flooding in them parts. glad to hear your still safe, and still on 2 wheels.
Thanks for sharing all the details with us. Glad you made it out of the soaked center part of TN safely. So many times an unplanned detour can find us on a road we want to return to, Ride Safe.
not boring at all, good luck........

I agree, not boring at all, as the repair side of things have slowed today on HDT, reading every post is a real pleasure.. and I like to follow Fellow Members on a road trip! I would just want better weather for all!

Keep Safe
Been following your post, and rooting for you to get through the dangerous weather..... glad to see you made it to the good side ........:)