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Stay with petroleum based or switch to synthetic?

Don't use HD Syn3 it's a blend. Use 100% syn and change the tranny to syn at the same time, you won't be sorry. Syn in the tranny makes it shift a lot better.:s

Agree with Maine-e-axe...HD Syn 3 is not true 100% Synthetic anyway, AND is a CITGO Product...owned by Hugo Chavez... a dictator with a serious Anti-USA bend... not something to be promoted...! Go with majority recommendations...and your conscience. :D
I agree with all the recs you have gotten on here except with respect to the oil filter. No disrespect intended, but I suggest sticking with the HD oil filter. The spec on the filter is down to 5 micron. I have yet to find an aftermarket filter with that spec. I know HD is not making these filters themselves, but whomever is does not market the HD spec filter under their own brand.

I am making the change in my 2009 Heritage later this month. It is hard to make a choice on what to buy for each tank after going through all the threads.
Actually pretty straight forward, follow what the polls have shown...

1) Engine - 100% Synthetic, why? Lower friction, less heat and wear; less impurities means less contaiminants; higher temperature tolerance and endurance. Enter Mobil I V-Twin, AMSOIL 20/50 and others; just say no to HD Syn3 is not 100% Synthetic anyway, and why help Hugo Chavez and his CITGO company stock with his anti-USA rhetoric?

2) Tranny - Gear oil to prevent splashing and stay in gears and rubbing surfaces; since not as excessive temperature changes viscosity is not so much a problem, just has to be thick enough to stay in place. Hypoid gears have more meshing surfaces and needs GL5 rated or better. Enter Spectrol, Bel Ray and others!

Oh...if there is a clutch and chain in there like the Sportster, why risk slippier 100% synthetic and shorten clutch pack life...just use 85W Primary Chaincase/Clutch Lube...high performance metrics have all in one and NEVER use 100% Synthetic to save clutch life.

3) Primary - hey there is a chain in there and cavity is small, what is all the oil slinging around in there; lube needed but only keep the chain surfaces lubed and clean...why not use inexpensive but durable Formula + after all isn't simplicity nice and save money at the same time?
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Since it seems to be common knowledge that Citgo makes the Syn3...Does anyone know if Citgo is making the Formula+ and the other HD oils??...Logic would lead you to think if they are making one...they might be making it all...just wondering...I would rather push my bike than buy anything from Citgo!
Actually pretty straight forward, follow what the polls have shown...

1) Engine - 100% Synthetic, why? Lower friction, less heat and wear; less impurities means less contaiminants; higher temperature tolerance and endurance. Enter Mobil I V-Twin, AMSOIL 20/50 and others; just say no to HD Syn3 is not 100% Synthetic anyway, and why help Hugo Chavez and his CITGO company stock with his anti-USA rhetoric?

2) Tranny - Gear oil to prevent splashing and stay in gears and rubbing surfaces; since not as excessive temperature changes viscosity is not so much a problem, just has to be thick enough to stay in place. Hypoid gears have more meshing surfaces and needs GL5 rated or better. Enter Spectrol, Bel Ray and others!

Oh...if there is a clutch and chain in there like the Sportster, why risk slippier 100% synthetic and shorten clutch pack life...just use 85W Primary Chaincase/Clutch Lube...high performance metrics have all in one and NEVER use 100% Synthetic to save clutch life.

3) Primary - hey there is a chain in there and cavity is small, what is all the oil slinging around in there; lube needed but only keep the chain surfaces lubed and clean...why not use inexpensive but durable Formula + after all isn't simplicity nice and save money at the same time?

My thoughts exactly.