I went out to my bike about a month ago now, took off down the road with my helmet (modular) flipped up, pulled it down and a stink bug was crawling on the inside of the shield, put it back up in a hurry and headed to the gast station to take get it out. Then at work flung 2 off my jacket.
NOW - The reason, some geniouses released a bunch of these on the east coast to kill some other critter that was taking over, since the stink bugs eat them, hence all the problems on the east coast with them now. It happened somewhere near DC cause my in-laws had a really bad attack of them. They sell a spray that keeps them out of the house, which you want.
It was said that it is winter so we should be done with these...WRONG...Now they are going into hibernation, so finding where ever they can bury themselves for the winter, so watch out.
Also, as was stated do NOT step on them, as their odor attracts other stink bugs.