I would say the "load based" comes in from the use of the sensors on the throttle body. The TFI is a simple unit that most anyone is capable of installing and setting up without the knowledge required with the more complex units with mapping. Also the possibility of damage to the engine from modifications to Ignition are not there with the TFI.
While it's true that other units offer more adjustment in more areas than the TFI, I feel for a street ridden Harley, it's excessive and there are many that run the bike with the stock map from the factory and are happy with the way it runs.
The TFI gives the advantage of eliminating the lean factory conditions without getting in over the heads of the non mechanically inclined. I think it fills an area that most riders fall into that don't have the ability to data log or make the adjustments to maps and allows a bit more fuel to be added without the headaches and time required that the more complex tuners require. For the less mechanically inclined, changing maps and setting VE and the other settings is a very comprehensive task and computer skills come into play with the more complex units that would open up the door to problems if the person wasn't sure of what they were doing.
If a person has deep pockets and wishes to get into the more expensive tuners at about three times the price of the TFI which would include a dyno tune and custom map , there are the option of the dealers and the dynos which is an area that I will not even breach here as far as good tuners. We are at their mercy as to who knows what they are doing and gives you a good job. I've seen plenty of "tuners" that I wouldn't let near my bike.
If you happen to have a good tuner and they are affordable, the options are there for a decent tune if you wish to spend the money for roughly the same gains in power with the high priced tuners as you get with a TFI. If we see 10-12 HP gains and additional TQ with a TFI, stage 1 and slipons, I find it difficult to justify $800-$1200 for the high priced tuners and dyno time with little more in return.