Here's the conclusion I've come to after trying several Clearview shields, installing the fork baffle, and adding the fairing mounted air deflectors - we ride motorcycles and it's always going to be windy!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to improve the situation but it can end up being a costly, never ending search for a non existent Holy Grail.
The Clearview with recurve works great and doesn't change the look of the bike that much. I'm not a fan of the more radical appearance of the Klockwerks or VStream type shields but if you like the way they look, give them a try. If you just want to try a taller shield, period, Fastaire has great prices on a wide variety of shields.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to improve the situation but it can end up being a costly, never ending search for a non existent Holy Grail.
The Clearview with recurve works great and doesn't change the look of the bike that much. I'm not a fan of the more radical appearance of the Klockwerks or VStream type shields but if you like the way they look, give them a try. If you just want to try a taller shield, period, Fastaire has great prices on a wide variety of shields.