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Yes. Room on the basement floor for me and my stuff and their garage is large enough for all the rides. Pretty big annual family gathering that I was lucky enough to get invited to several years ago and it continues today. All good riders too!
Where are you putting up?
we are in a campground past the Buffalo Chip, Shades Valley. we stayed there last year also. I'll be one of the hundreds on a black Ultra with a wife on the back.
We are leaving Monday going by way of Texarkana, Tx, Wichita Falls, Tx, Wakeeney, Ks, and hopefully arriving in Custer, SD on August 1. Going on some day trips out of Custer before heading up to Sturgis on Monday, August 5th, and then pointing our bikes south, back towards home. If you see a black Street Glide with the tag "Glydin" and a red hot sunglo Ultra with the tag "J Otis" from Mississippi, yell at us. I am beyond excited.....delirious.......just ecstatic!!!!! I pray for safety for all of us and hope everyone here on HDT will do the same.......
we'll be keeping and eye out for y'all. don't have a special tag, but my shift link has "WAYNE" engraved on it. its kinda hard to see going down the road. lol.
I'm heading up tomorrow (Wednesday) to meet up with 01rk and Lorraine. Our base will be in the Keystone area but it is not that far to any point. Will be there till early Sunday morning. I get pms and e-mails to my phone if anyone gets bored.