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Sure is expensive...

:bigsmiley25: Thanks Glider, I could not have done any of this without the help of you guys. :)
This is what my oil drain plug looked like when I took it out of the oil pan. When I had the 25,000 mile service done, I would have thought they would have put a new Oring on the plug. Now it make me wonder if they even changed the oil at 25,000 miles, and I paid for it.


There is just noway they drained the oil out of there...Noway in heck, and the put that plug back in my HD. If I had seen the guy do that, I would have cut his hands off. I would even think twice about doing that to someone. That is just uncalled for in my book, and he should have been fired. I mean we pay hi dollars for service, and this is what you get for your money. Not any more.
Did you bring this to the attention of the owner of the dealer?

He may not know what is going on with the mechanics.
Go to type in the part numbers and get good service (2 or 3 day delivery) and at least 20% off HD catalog.
I have no connection other than being a customer.
This thread makes me want to apply Torque Seal to the oil plugs and elsewhere before I take my bike in for service. It's a thick gel pooky that sets up hard. You just run a small bead of pooky across the bolt or plug to the housing. If the bolt or plug is twisted at all, the pooky cracks. It's used in the aircraft world to tell if a bolt is loosening. Google it, but you can find it at Aircraft Spruce and Supply on line. AS&S is the best aircraft homebuilders supply house.