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System not charging need help

Thanks for more input, if you're talking voltage regulator, we have already put a new one on. But now let me tell you all a story and maybe we can pick some more brains. Glider, pay attention....LOL
We took a trip back in June of this year. Bike had ran great no problems whatsoever. We trailered bikes to Georgia and then rode them to Myrtle Beach and back to Georgia. Well, ours ran great all the way there. On the way back, about to Georgia our bike started cutting out and popping like someone was turning the key on and off. So we put in it the trailer and rode in the truck the rest of the way.
Now since then we have put on a new ignition switch, voltage regulator, coil, plugs, plug wires, battery. Then it was running ok for a while but the battery quit charging. No matter what we did we could ride about 30 miles then dead battery. So in researching on here, we decided to go deeper and pulled the bike apart and found a burnt stator. Just got the bike back together today and went for a ride. Rode great for about 40 miles then it started in on the old problem again, like someone was shutting the key off and on. Okay so we would stop and let the bike cool off and it would run good for about 5 miles then it would start all over again. Now we have plenty of juice, system is charging fine but now it is like you will be riding down the road and someone just shuts the key off. Let it cool down and it goes just fine for a little while.
What are we dealing with here???? Anyone have any ideas at all??? Possible module or circuit breaker???? Any and all input would be greatly appreciated, I want to trust my ride again.
Just for a test, replace the main breaker. Back in the early 90's there were a bunch of bad breakers. I had an 91 FXR that would do the same thing at random, when it was allowed to cool off, it restarted and ran fine again for a while.
Thanx once again and that is what we are going to do. Cause it is apparent that it is something heating up so hopefully it is a simple fix.
We just talked to one of our friends who has a motorcycle shop and he said he just got done working on a trike that was doing the same thing and it was the ignition module doing it and he had to replace it. Is there any way of testing the ignition module before going and buying one to see if it is bad????? They are a little pricey.
You could heat the module with a blow drier to see if it cuts off when it is hot. Also when it cuts out you may want to try a small shot of freon like in the cans to clean a computer keyboard and hold the can upside down to dispense the shot to the module. It will chill the module and if that is the cause of the problem, the bike will start again.
Makes sense, will try that tomorrow and see what the results are. Thank you. I'm sure we'll be back on here tomorrow with an update....LOL
Had the ICM on my Sporty intermittantly cutting out, still having problems getting the new one to marry with the TSM/TSSM. When I cycle the power, on the new ICM. the starter spins, but does not fire up the engine for a time then cut is dead permanently. I have been going around and around with Pennisula HD dealer in Redwood City on this, so for now have been limping around with my thermal intermittant OEM module (just don't ride on hot days).

If you get a new ICM, make sure it is in the SEALED OEM HD bag with moisure absorbing HD paper wrap and bubble packing in the OEM cardboard box (also sealed). Don't make the mistake of accepting one that has been unsealed, as I did (cause I was 300 miles away from home).
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Yes and thank you for the tip. The guy we talked to said that the new module would have to be programmed the same as the other module so as it would all work right, he said he could do that. Let's hope so.
Well my motorcycle runs good without the cover on the ignition module, which tells me it is getting too hot. If I replace it, is the same thing going to happen to the new one?? Can a heat shield of some sort be put in there or is there a slotted cap I could put on instead of the solid cover??