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T-Boned a car this past Tues :(...

Hey all,

I'm doing great! My wrist is still a bit sore and I have a scar on my right shin BUT... other than that all is well. My 1125CR is back from the shop and it looks great. The plastics needed to be replaced so I decided to have the flyscreen, air box cover, and radiator shrouds replaced with red (my bike was all black).

I'm still on the fence about my preferrence (red\black mix or stock black) but its growing on me and I receive alot of compliments from fellow riders. Everybody says it looks MUCH better and much more exciting. So I guess I will leave it for awhile. Also... Buells are rare to begin with... but now there isn't another one out there like mine (that I know of). I had the radiator shrouds replaced with the 2010 graphic versions sooooo... not sure how many 2010 models are out there or will be out there given Buell's sad demise.

So... all is well with me and my bike... thanks for sharing your own stories and well wishes.
Glad you and the bike are O.K. and back at it! I know what you mean about patience. I need to practice more of it myself.
The woman who pulled out of a side street, which had a stop sign, in front of me had no license or insurance. At least I dented her SUV so there was some justice in it. :lolrolling
Good deal Mr Glide :) I mean... hope all is well. If so... cool. No insurance and license is, of course, rediculous... but things entailing the roadway and licensing drive me crazy everyday... and I'm sure bugs most of us.

No doubt the most common offender is peoples lack of using a turn signal. Drives me crazy! I will often times just lay on the horn (when on my bike... in my cage I'll usually issue the head shake) when driving by these fruitcakes. My fav therapudic action that makes me feel better, or cope, with this "no turn signal" phenomenon is that when I am stopped at a stop sign and a car is approaching the turn slowing down (without using the turn signal of course) is to issue the exaggarated head shake. Making 110% eye contact I'll shake my head so wide that my chin will make contact with each shoulder. They prob have no idea what the heck im doing or why but... oh well.. helps me cope. Any further ideas to help cope with these idiots... I'm all for doing it.

Another thing that drives me insane actually originates from my fellow bike riders. Mr. Glide mentions the SUV not having insurance and such but... sooooooo many bikes I see out there have expired plates... prob half of them. I have never seen another rider here in TX with the "no helmet exemption" sticker on their plate which is required by law to go.. .well.. helmetless. I see plenty of the token dew rags and other pirate like attire.. but never a sticker. I have some fellow rider buds here at my workplace... and even they aren't legal... my one bud doesn't have a motorcycle license and another has 2003 plates. Drives me crazy. I dont really blame them... ok.. I do but.. I blame the cops for not enforcing the laws. The bud I mentioned from my workplace got a speeding ticket but the cop never mentioned his not having a motorcycle endoresment.

uuugh... rant over. I guess my Army service time made me a stickler for paying attention to the details.
Well there is a "bubble gum" light at the end of the tunnel. In todays economy, there is more incentive by local law enforcement to "generate revenue" so giving tickets is their "gift" to the outlaws of our communities...Ride Safe, and Legal...the spectre of the law will be shining a light in our midst for better or worse.
ehhh... it stinks having revenue being the motivation behind enforcing the laws. Its the same thing when cops are all over the place at the end of the month to meet their mythical quota. Myth or not... the last week of the month the cops are all over the highways. I cannot stand enforcing the law (or abiding by it) when its convenient. You are either squared away all the time (most of the time anyway :) ) or you are not. Enforcing, and abiding by, the law should be about safety and principle... not dough.

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