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Tail of the Dragon Overrated?

Anyone planning a trip to the dragon this summer? I wouldn't mind trying it out but being a new rider it may be safer to ride with others with more experience.
How bad would the ride be for a sportster? I bet my Butt would go numb before I got to north Atlanta hahah! :rofl

I'd be glad to do it with you. Don't have a definite date planned yet but I know Maysflyboy in Peachtree City wants to do it too so maybe we can work something out this summer. A Sportster was actually made for roads like that. You just need to get some miles under you and get your experience and confidence up!
I'd say the Dragon is like a roller coaster without tracks. It isn't a cruising highway and yes, I encountered bikes encroaching in my lane. A few folks I rode with found it too much and would have preferred to stick to the rolling hills. -personally I loved it! but then I enjoy dragging my pegs!
Tail of the Dragon sounds like the PCH here in California...plenty of technical MPH off camber, decreasing radius turns, 270 degree switch backs...with sheer drop offs and blind turns. Not for those not used to that sort of thing and definitely NOT to be overrated.

On weekends, it could be downright dangerous, just remember to run it at a comfortable "PACE" not try and take it at greater than 7/10's if taking it for the 1st time or not having done this for a while. Even for me running it, there were some serious turns that you had to counter lean the bike (stand it up, hanging off on the inside) to keep from dragging undercarriage bits! Ride well and keep within your abilities and you will have time to enjoy the incredible views and there are plenty of turn-offs and viewing areas (make sure you stay on the tarmac and don't get in the loose stuff).
The Dragon is a must do for anyone. Just remember to "ride your own ride" and watch out for this guy"The Yellow Wolf, he has probably put more miles on the "Dragon" than anyone else.

Here's where you can get all the info you need about the Dragon. Tail of the Dragon
Man! That dude is insane! those are some serious curves and he takes them at crazy speeds! That guy must have some seriously large brass ones!
Was there last August, and it was crawling with LEO's. You would not be able to ride like the Goldwing. Another recommendation to ride early in the morning on a weekday. I really don't enjoy it any more, due to the racers. I'm too old to be surprised by a kamikaze rider flying by me, these days. It was more fun, when I was one. If you want a ride that's a little more challenging than the Cherohala Skyway, and more like the Dragon, but less traffic, try Hwy 28, also known as hellbender. Very nice, beautiful, and challenging.