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I would love for some to try my method and let us know what you think. I have an Ultra with riders backrest. From the right side grab the handlebar and squeeze the front brake, left hand on the rider backrest. With right foot on the front floorboard keep body-weight near the bike, step up and slide left foot thru. The bike will not tip up as some might think. Works really well for me with no effort at all!:)
Well, I used to always mount and dismount from the low side. But when I built my garage I left a wider space on the left side for my bike. When it's in the garage, I have to mount from the right side because the left is up against
the garage wall. So, now I do my mounts/dismounts from either side depending on what the situation dictates. I'm just glad I can still get either leg up and over the saddle lol.

I'd have to say the right side to get on and to get off. I have a reason, and I do not care if it is wrong. I broke my left hip, so I swing my left leg over, and the right leg is my strong leg to hold the bike.
Mount and dismount on the "Port" side -- "left" sidestand side for you land lubbers...yar...!

Now ride that thing like you stole it!
I Get on and off on side-stand side,just get on whatever side ur comfy gettin on,it doesnt really matter does it.....
I learned from my Dad back in 1960 to stand on the left side (kick stand) side, grab the front brake lever so the bike can't move and then throw your leg over the seat and mount.

Works for me all these years.
For the record, I stand 12-15 feet behind the bike, run towards it at top speed, slap both hands on the top of the passenger backrest, and vault up and over, onto the seat proper.
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I always mount from the rear with a full handspring. Then dismount over the bars in a full laid out front flip.
I use the laid out position so I can lock the forks on the way by.
I thought everyone did it that way??

For the record, I stand 12-15 feet behind the bike, run towards it at top speed, slap both hands on the top of the passenger backrest, and vault up and over, onto the seat proper.

hahahahahaha !!!! Still need pics!!:D