If you pick up a US Harley parts and assessors catalogue it will have the prices for everything, not like our Canadian catalogue. This over pricing is not only from Deeley, every manufacturer seems to be able to give us a little bite. 5 or 6 years ago I bought a Honda eu2000i generator for $970 US delivered to a Michigan address. The list price on it here in Canada was $1600 plus a pdi charge of $60 plus tax. Even our government is getting in a this with the new HST (harmonized sales tax) I will do my best to avoid inflated pricing from Harley and the HST. To our American friends this HST will put an extra 8% tax on everthing that you spend a dollar on. Gasoline is going to have an extra 8% tacked on, a haircut, a meal, everthing that didn't have a tax on it will now have 8% added, so that our politicians will have a nice pension. It dosen't bother me one bit to go to the US to spend.