On my old bike I didn't realize that the previous owner had installed the adjustable pushrods. I pulled the gas tank and the rocker arm covers before discovering the adjustable pushrods. Still kicking myself over that. Anyway, one of the lifters was noisy....to noisy to just be an adjustment problem, so I bought a new set of lifters. I disassembled one of the old lifters and reassembled it dry. I then used a depth Micrometer to conclude that the maximum compression on these particular lifters was .140." After reading the specifications on various settings, I decided to just set the pushrods to .100," that being a safe setting. Not knowing the particular type threads, I measured the space between the locknut and rod with a caliper and determined that turning the nut 19 nut faces equaled .100." With the plugs out to allow for easy engine turning with the rear wheel, I turned the engine until the exhaust and the intakes were at the top of the cam lobe, and then adjusted that exhaust and intakes of the other cylinder. It's that easy with only two cylinders.