free website stats program TEST: Rode with new 80/100 bulb tonight... | Page 2 | Harley Davidson Forums

TEST: Rode with new 80/100 bulb tonight...

If you flash your lights at a Leo doesn't that mean he had his brights on and should dim his as well as everybody else on the road? I don't think many cops would have anything to say about the brighter light as long as you put the dims on when you should. Other than the Leo's on this forum they probably wouldn't know they were off road bulbs.
The best 12.00 I've ever spent was on the Osram bulb. Wider beam of light and simple installation with one minor adjustment, had to snip off one pin to make it fit.
What Franka is referring to is a small flat tab on the base circle of the bulb #9 in the 6 o'clock that does not index on some later model HD bulb mounting shell. It is a thin tab easily snipped with a diagonal cutter.
