Glazier's got you covered on the weekend trips and a BIG +1 about the cell phones and texting. Had my first leg glazing from a texting Soccer Mom in a Beemer. Rather than me reacting, Momma was behind me in her car and saw it......the next stop light, momma got out of the car and gave Soccer Mom the verbal bashing of her life for almost wiping out her husband........Classic. I guess it had an impact, she's begging me not to go alone anymore.:bigsmiley29:
If you are wanting to keep it local, you have quite a few options. Head south on the Tollway and hit Strokers. ride in between the shop and the ice house...thats where all the bikes park.
Go East on 380 - Hit Dawgs and Hawgs in McKinney ( Louisiana and 5 ).
In Keller - Bronson Rock - Live bands..377 and Golden Triangle
Grapevine - Willhoites - main St
a few Bike Shops up here......Pretty good Indy's that will save you a buck
For cruising - Head west on 82....or even East for that matter. Check out Ray Roberts Lake
Heck, Texoma is only 45 minutes north
Just be safe and enjoy the ride