Newbie here but have to post my .02 worth as this is a sore subject with myself and many friends. I do think cell phone use should be banned while driving, period except in case of an emergency. But even moreso feel drivers as a whole should be taught and instructed better. For work alone I log 25 to 30 k miles a year all over the US. From major cities to the most rural areas. No, I'm not a truck driver but my job is mostly travel. However, my son is a truck driver who logs close to 100k a year. In conversations with him and others he drives with, we are all in agreement that most drivers in general are much worse than they were 10 years ago. Is it cell phones, traffic, other distractions or just their feeling of entitlement where they think they own tthe road and can do whatever they want.
On a recent 5 week 3k+ mile job trip to Cincinnati, I saw several wrecks and countless near misses all which were the result of nothing but pure stupidity. Cutting acoss 3 lanes of traffic to make the exit or to get in the left lane. Trying to merge while driving 30 mph slower than traffic, slamming on brakes for no reason. I could go on for pages.
What's the solution? I have no idea but do think stricter training and regulations on getting your license would help. In our state any 10 yo with common sense could pass the drivers test after about 2 hours of instruction. Maybe we need some kind of staggered licensing arrangement like I have heard some countries have.
Just my .02 worth!