I'll remember that. You're right, I don't want to pull the seat off every time. Thanks for that tip.What you may consider doing is to hook it up and leave enough wire to use a piece of stick on velcro either on the air cleaner cover or the tank console. It makes it much easier to tinker with it so you don't have to pull the seat all the time.
I put mine on the air cleaner.
When you get it where you want it, pull the seat and install the box.
Can't go wrong with the TFI. Your decel popping could be as a result of an exhaust leak too. Check all the connections and make sure the slits in the pipe where it slides over the other pipe are totally closed up (on far enough).
Muffler Leaks - Harley Davidson Community
Thanks Gator. You and Glider put me onto something that I wasn't aware of. As soon as the weather gets warmer here in Massachusetts ( right now it is 32 degrees ) I plan on jacking the bike up and rinsing off all of the WD 40 that I have sprayed & wiped on the chrome and give it its annual Spring cleaning. Then while it is jacked up I will check all the clamps on the entire exhaust system and look, listen & feel for any leaks. If it worked for you then it ought to work for me. Having done that I will then most likely get the Dobeck TFI that so many members of this forum are pleased with. Thanks again.Horizonchaser,
I found my exhaust was leaking when I had decel popping, I tightened it to the proper torque and used lock washers to keep it from happeneing again, went for a ride and retorqued, no more popping.
I have tightened the exhaust clamps down when I had the bike up on the jack yesterday to hose off the WD40 that I use in the Fall on the bike. I'll recheck the header clamps for a tight seal. I don't believe there is a double nut on there. If there isn't Ill pick up some stainless steel ones.Take a look at the header clamp bolts too (soot/leaking). Sometimes they tend to come loose as well & "double nutting" usually does the trick. Good luck w/TFI install - awesome bike accessory & will pay for itself in many ways. Love mine & probably wouldn't have known about it w/o this awesome forum team/members. Ride safe!