Bought the bike used with the SE 103" stage II, SERT, and Rinehart true duals already on it. I don't know if the mapps are modified or not. PO bought the bike from HD dealer in Arkansas and had it done at time of purchase. My previous bike was a 1100 honda shadow so I don't have a good reference on what a HD V-twin should perform like, weather a 96" or the 103". I expected it to have more low end than it seems to have. Don't really want to spend the $$ on having it dyno tuned. All i recieved was the SERT module 32107-01H, no cables. I wouldn't know the first thing about mapping table or altering them even if I had the cables. I get a little decel popping, and the plugs seem to white. makes me wonder if its not a bit lean on the bottom. IDK
Can AFR even be altered off 14.7:1 or whatever the O2 sensors want with the SERT?