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Thanks Hoople

Hopefully Hoople has had just a small short circuit and will be repaired in no time. As one of the pillars of HDTimeline he has always been a intricate part.
I needed MY HOOPLE today and looked in MY toolbox...... Looked and Looked but he was MISSING...

I NEED YOU BACK HOOP..........:newsmile075:

Everybody here on the HDT Forum needs YOU back here in THEIR toolbox...:newsmile038:

You have been a Main-Stay-Member here and WE want you back...:D

SEE how Silly I can get when you are not around...:bigsmiley8:


+1 How could I have said it any better than what BUBBIE just did.. I won't try HOOP...
They say no one is irreplaceable, well I disagree with that.

I agree Jeff. Hoople could walk into any Harley dealership and teach all the techs how to diagnose electrical problems. I'm sure he knows more than any factory trained Harley tech. He will truly be missed here.
To the Hoopenator, thanks Dude!