Coming from a Soldier currently in Iraq, I want to say, "You Guys and Gals Rock" and it's an honor to be associated with a group of Patriotic Americans that support each other such as yourselves, service member or not. 1SG Smitty hit it on the head.
That's one thing that has really brought me to ensure I always have a Harley from this point on, the brother-hood and sense of family without even ever having to meet with each other in the past.
Thank You, to All of You!!!
I've heard this before but my wife just sent it to me again, so I thought I would share, as all of those Vetran's out there sure didn't (or don't) do it for the money, as the pay is not good enough:
What Is A Veteran?
A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including thier life.'
"God Speed"