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Thanks to our armed services

I too would like to thank all who have served, are serving now or will serve in the future. and wherever you path leads you , I hope with all my heart that you all return home safely.
God Bless America, and all of our soldiers may God keep them safe, and help them kick ass. I couldn't enlist beause I had a mishap when I was a kid, I always wished I could though. Alot of my family and friends have went in. I do all I can to help our soldiers with gift boxes and things like that. One of the reasons I got my scoot was to ride with the American Veterans Motorcycle Club, they support our troops and their families in many different ways. I can't become a AVMC patch holder, but I am a prospect for the affiliates of the AVMC working towards being an affiliate patch holder. Check for chapters in your state, and local areas .WE ARE A BAND OF BROTHERS
Hey folks, I was just checking in on another forum I belong to, (ballooning related) and was reading about the update on a recent event. There were 25 hot air balloons giving soldiers rides all weekend. I copied this from one of the pilot's responses.

Thanks for sharing the pictures Colin. I was one of the 25 pilots that flew

soldiers each morning and enjoyed every minute of it. The soldiers
that I flew couldn't thank ME enough for doing this for them. Every time I
thanked them, they replied "Just doing our job!" They are a great bunch
of guys and women! The pilots, crews, organizers, volunteers, and
contributors are great as well! Thank you everyone!

That is the typical answer I get when I talk to soldiers. Thanks to all of the men and women that serve. Thanks again to you all.

Here is a link for some pix if you want to take a look.

Picasa Web Albums - colin - HonorFLY
I can't agree more. Thanking all of the brave men & women who serve our country can never be done enough. I have nothing but the highest respect and admiration for all of them, no matter where, no matter what. They are the true heroes, so again...thank you!
As a military mom,I thank all of the previous posters on behalf of my son and my daughter-in-law. Both are career Army and have together served in Korea and my son has done one deployment in Afghanistan and is soon facing one in Iraq.They have three small children (ages 4,2 end 6 months) Yet this is their chosen profession. I never miss an opportunity to thank current service people or veterans. They are why we can sit here and say whatever we please or hit the road an ride. God bless them all. Keep them in your prayers
I served. Retired USAF, 24 years. My oldest Son served, USN, 8 years.
I completed the Motorcyle Safety Course last week, required now in Florida to get your endorsement to ride, and there was an EOD troop in the class. He was the only one to ace the riding exam. Those guys are cool under pressure! He was ready and waiting to go back to Iraq. Anyways, the NW Florida area has a high military presence, both active duty and reserves, with high ops tempo. Thanks to all you guys and gals who have served past and present!
A salute to every one who is or has served in the military. My youngest son is currently in the Army as a Combat Engineer. At this time he is in a transition unit and going through the medical board routine. He will be medically retired in a few months. Another young fellow that I know is also being retired from the Air Force, he had been in 6 years and spent half that time in combat as EOD. This year on Good Friday he stepped on a pressure IED while clearing a bomb crater. Fortunately he didn't lose any body parts and is mending very well, he lost some hearing in one ear and his balance is out of wack. Both of these young men wanted to be career military, but I guess that wasn't to be. I'm very proud of them and all of our troops for doing what they're doing. As they say, Jesus died for our sins. A soldier died for our freedom. I'm a PGR rider and it's the least I can do.
Coming from a Soldier currently in Iraq, I want to say, "You Guys and Gals Rock" and it's an honor to be associated with a group of Patriotic Americans that support each other such as yourselves, service member or not. 1SG Smitty hit it on the head.

That's one thing that has really brought me to ensure I always have a Harley from this point on, the brother-hood and sense of family without even ever having to meet with each other in the past.

Thank You, to All of You!!!

I've heard this before but my wife just sent it to me again, so I thought I would share, as all of those Vetran's out there sure didn't (or don't) do it for the money, as the pay is not good enough:

What Is A Veteran?

A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including thier life.'

"God Speed"