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That made me think..

I did not read all of the replys but You said a "4 lane road in the left lane with a jeep on my right and clear road ahead and all of a sudden someone started to turn left into my path...." sound to be the fool turning left didn't see the Jeep also, so what makes you think he would see you in a truck?

I think Mat was worried about surviving the hit on two wheels, not that he could have avoided impact in a truck.

There you go, you just found the answer.

"I was kind of wondering yesterday if riding a bike is a very smart thing to do and what I came up with is NO.....but I'm going to keep doing it anyway.."

You do the smart things because you have to and so you are able to do the things that are not smart, but so much fun. :D

Yep I think Mat is gonna be riden that Fat Boy for awhile. And he will be smarter from the near miss. Sometimes I think near misses are there for a purpose but maybe that's gettin too deep. Ride careful Mat, we want to keep you.
Well I think he was pretty cool in all the Terminator and Alien movies, especially riden that Fat Boy back in the mid 90's.

Fonzie was cool in the 70's as was Travolta in Kotter. But I think Arnold out did them all, jmho. Besides anyone who can come over here from Austria, start out with nothin, end up winning the All time Body Building awards for several years running, then go on to make a string of movies and then become Govenor of California. Yea that's pretty cool to me.
I think the first alien and termimator were the best..The fatboy ride was cool
He was doing good until that California thing...
.....:)..Dont you hate that when that haptens :swoon

Hi MAt 60 its good you have the oppertunity to discuss your thoughts after a close call. A few weeks ago I and a friend had the day from (EDIT), while on a poker run I got clipped by a car getting of the hwy and merging with traffic. For some reason I didnt go down, I was so happy tears were running down my leg. Later on the way home I watched my friend go down at 70 on the HWY due to the death wobbles (his wife on a bike behind me). On the way home from the emergency room at 2am I was so twitchy I wasnt sure if I could make it home. It made me question if it was worth it, the feeling, the freedom, the friends, the perfect ride. The next day I woke up angry because circumstance made me question the worth of some thing I love doing. I got back on the bike that morning to spit in the face of fear because thats who I am. If you dont get back on you will always question if it was the right choice. After visiting my friend and his wife a few times I asked them if they were going to ride again or sell the bikes. We have plans to ride as soon as he can. Its a choice and you have to do, whats best for you. Do you live in fear and never take another chance or do you enjoy life. A life without joy is like being dead anyway. Hope you continue to ride if not find another hobby that can give you the same freedom.

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I hope your frend was ok....With me it not fear its the fact no matter how good of a rider you are, we can get messed up and thair ant a thing you can do about...I did go for a ride last nite and it was great...The song ,,Born to be wild was playing in my head..:)..Im not done riding ..I think RWB is right,,........My bike and I look so good that people are just all over the road trying to get a look ....:laugh
Wow how did I miss this post......Mat, first of all glad your ok and that you've decided to continue riding. In 1988 I was unfortunately unable to avoid a similar incident. An elderly gentleman pulled out of a driveway in front of me, saw me at the last minute and tried to stop but I clipped the front corner of his car. I was traveling at about 45 at the time and although I wasn't thrown off my bike from the initial impact, it bounced me left hard and into a guard rail across the street. That's when I was thrown off and down the road. Fractured pelvis, collapsed lung, broken wrist, road rash and a 2 week stint in the hospital was the end result.

Now I don't share the graphic side of it to point it out, but rather to share my decision to ride again. It's something I've done since my first PW 50cc bike at the age of 8. It's a part of my life and I've had other near misses before that accident and since, some of them admittedly my fault as a foolish reckless youngster, mostly on bikes from the other side of the pond.

That's when I made my decision to switch to cruisers which tamed my wild side along with age and maturity. Now, I'm probably not any safer on my current bike than any other model, but I ride cautiously, keep a safe distance and keep a vigilant watch for things that can go wrong and leave myself a way out. It doesn't ruin my riding experience but rather is something I've learned that comes with the territory of what I enjoy doing.

Just remember, there are things in our lives we can control, and others we can't. I try to focus on what I can control and not get consumed by what might happen.

Be safe, and that's directed at everyone:s
Wow how did I miss this post......Mat, first of all glad your ok and that you've decided to continue riding. In 1988 I was unfortunately unable to avoid a similar incident. An elderly gentleman pulled out of a driveway in front of me, saw me at the last minute and tried to stop but I clipped the front corner of his car. I was traveling at about 45 at the time and although I wasn't thrown off my bike from the initial impact, it bounced me left hard and into a guard rail across the street. That's when I was thrown off and down the road. Fractured pelvis, collapsed lung, broken wrist, road rash and a 2 week stint in the hospital was the end result.

Now I don't share the graphic side of it to point it out, but rather to share my decision to ride again. It's something I've done since my first PW 50cc bike at the age of 8. It's a part of my life and I've had other near misses before that accident and since, some of them admittedly my fault as a foolish reckless youngster, mostly on bikes from the other side of the pond.

That's when I made my decision to switch to cruisers which tamed my wild side along with age and maturity. Now, I'm probably not any safer on my current bike than any other model, but I ride cautiously, keep a safe distance and keep a vigilant watch for things that can go wrong and leave myself a way out. It doesn't ruin my riding experience but rather is something I've learned that comes with the territory of what I enjoy doing.

Just remember, there are things in our lives we can control, and others we can't. I try to focus on what I can control and not get consumed by what might happen.

Be safe, and that's directed at everyone:s
Well said Big Al!
You know we've really elaborated all the facets of this subject. And it seems the pervading summation is, there are risks to everything you do in life, literally. So it's just a matter of how much you love something or how much you get out of something in return for the risks.

Yes it's true tomorrow or even this afternoon one of those risks may be in my face and I could be forced to live WITHOUT the ride (only due to injury or death). But I can live with that, easier than living without the ride now when I have a choice.

I think it's much safer than some other past times that folks do like snow boarding in rough mountain terrain or mountain climbing etc. It's not like it's a suicide ride. But none the less we love it enough to take the risks.

I've had one close friend (years ago) killed on a motorcyle. I've had another close friend (years ago) on a motorcycle hit head on by car going 40mph and he went right over the car and landed on his feet uninjured, walked away from it. Totaled his bike, he actually fell down right after he landed on his feet. I saw the whole thing happen from about 100 feet to the rear. It's just a matter of fate sometimes.
We all love riding (including Mat) which this thread has shown. If I may I would like to post up this copied update from RLewis (Randy) who had one of those unfortunate accidents we have elaborated on in this thread. Here is his latest thoughts.

' ---- hobblin' around with a cane now instead of crutches , pain is still present and I havent been on my scoot since the first week of May!!!! My thoughts ------ Dr's and the pain be darned , I WILL ride again!!!!
I'll try to keep ya'll posted on the what happens the next few weeks , in the meantime --- Stay safe and ride careful !!!!!!! ------ '

This guy is the epitome of what we have been discussing. We are all with you Randy. Looking forward to you sitting back in the saddle.
I also wish R lewis well....I think when you get stove up like this guy and want to get back on as much as he does, you cant love riding aney more than that... It makes my little close call, insignificant....It also makes me think,,,if I dont crash , its been a good ride....Good luck randy...:hii
Mat 60

Read your post and all the replies, can't really add anything that hasn't been said, glad you got though it without mishap!
Mat 60

Read your post and all the replies, can't really add anything that hasn't been said, glad you got though it without mishap!

Thanks Gator....I gess it being the first time I may have made to much of It...I know realize, thanks to you guys that Im not the only one with a target on there ride.....:)..But the more I ride the more I love it ..The next time something haptens, if I dont crash Ill see if I can lern from it and get over it...Sometimes I get mad but that just turns it into a bad day.........Oh ..I just made a sale....Gas money.:bigsmiley11:
Glad your alright.
A couple of weeks ago an older couple pulled out in front of me from a side street and was riding along side of me and never saw me. I remembered that was the same place 20 yrs ago that I pulled out in front of a touring bike with aux lights that I just didn't see so I know it happens even when you look.

In the car in '86 I was hit head on by a drunk driver. The officer said he had never seen a car damaged like that where the people lived. I had scratches and a sprain. Two years ago I was hit from behind and this car had more damage but I didn't have a scratch.

I'm going to keep riding and pray that we are all safe.