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That moose was too close...

If that would have happened to me I think I would have pulled over for a moment and realized just how fortunate I was to miss Mr. Moose!
Seriously, you were very lucky! Glad you came out of it okay can can live to ride yet another day!
I havn't had a close call like that yet, I have had a few deer cross the highway in the early morning and at 65mph 30 yards feels like 3 inches.

I did spend some time at Sturgis trying to get that perfect picture of the Buffalo. Needless to say after my brother and I got chased out of the field by a bull, we stayed on the pavement.
No worries about Bullwinkle...but if Rocky J. is around WATCH OUT! Glad your okay MainStreetG...for once he was able to pull out of the way without a "--need for a bigger hat!" :bigsmiley22:
And to think I was disappointed at not seeing a moose when I rode through Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Now I'm beginning to wonder if that wasn't a good thing.

Glad you came though without crashing.
RetiredJake, I think it was Nitesta in Maine that brought up the subject of the Vanity plates thread -- ooohhh deeear! :lero Moose

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get as close to moose as possible for that perfect photo but Tuesday night was too close for me. I was riding through a known high moose population area just after dark, not my favorite place to be on the Street Glide but I was on my way home from work. As I crested a knoll I could see a clear shot down over the other side. I was doing about 45 mph when from out of nowhere came Bullwinkle. He was headed diagonally across the road from left to right. I locked the brakes because we were definitely on a collision course. I leaned the bike to the right and actually rolled my left shoulder back to clear his head. Just as I thought we were about to collide, I think he lifted his head and I decided to crack the throttle for that last ditch effort to clear this guy. I don’t know how, but I made it by. Needless to say, the rest of the ride home was at about 30 to 35 mph and yes I was still shaking when I got there.
Man you must be livin right. Encountered one in Algonquin Park in Canada a few years ago. He was about 20 feet off the road. I slowed down, got in the opposite lane as far as I could and as I passed I hit the throttle hard. They can be unpredictable and don't even think about gettin a pic of one...get out fast as you can.
Considering the seriousness a collision with "Bullwinkle" could have been, you account is hilarious, although I can't imagine what was running through your mind. That's one event you'll be sharing with friends for years to come. Really glad you kept your cool and made it through. Have you thought of buying a lottery ticket, you luck seems to be running high. Ride safe!
Living in Vermont I know what you went throught. I would guess you ruined a good pair of hanes too. I hate when that happens. Great driving. Somtime using the throttle is the best option.
It is hard to be in Northern Maine and not have some sort of close encounter of the moose kind. Glad you made it.

If you want to see and /or photograph moose, go to Baxter , Sandy Steam Pond, You can usually see them there and get good photos with a 300mm lens. No bikes allowed in the park which is probably a good thing for the bikers and the moose.
Ya the SWAMP DONKEYS is the only animal in the road that you have to duck for. Check out GLIDERS osram 80/100 watt headlight, you can see bullwinkle and bambee alot better,well worth 14 bucks :MAINE TAXATION LAND :cheers