I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get as close to moose as possible for that perfect photo but Tuesday night was too close for me. I was riding through a known high moose population area just after dark, not my favorite place to be on the Street Glide but I was on my way home from work. As I crested a knoll I could see a clear shot down over the other side. I was doing about 45 mph when from out of nowhere came Bullwinkle. He was headed diagonally across the road from left to right. I locked the brakes because we were definitely on a collision course. I leaned the bike to the right and actually rolled my left shoulder back to clear his head. Just as I thought we were about to collide, I think he lifted his head and I decided to crack the throttle for that last ditch effort to clear this guy. I don’t know how, but I made it by. Needless to say, the rest of the ride home was at about 30 to 35 mph and yes I was still shaking when I got there.