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The 2nd annual What did you get for Christmas thread?

Surley the bath towel is for drying the bike if it gets wet away from home


You got that right Brian - but with our sunny British climate, I'd need a whole lot of them. :D

Happy Hogmonay - I just realized that's a very Harley Davidson seasonal greeting isn't it!
Youll also need good bags to carry all the towels its a non stop cycle of buying stuff for the bikes ive been at it since 1976 it just does not stop
for hogmonay ive got the needed food and drink in as my road was open today
i will walk to the top of the hill for the bells as big firework display in town and im close to eye level for most of it

cashin in on gift cards 2moro. Doing the Nostalgic thing and H-D MoCo. footboards, grips, shifter pegs, break pedal, derby cover, timing cover.........ect
I got to spend Christmas with my neice's and my nephew, who I haven't seen in over a year. My brother is going through a divorce and it's kinda hard to go there when he's going through this. Even though I'm mad at my soon to be ex-sister inlaw she gave me the best present this Christmas.
Had the pleasure of having the whole family together and well and sharing the day with my wife and kids. That was the big gift. To add to that, I got a great looking HD coat with a hood fro my bride, several gift cards, and assorted other goodies. My gift to myself was a DPMS Panther Arms LoPro Classic in 5.56x45. Can't wait to hit the range...Hope everyone else had a great, peaceful Christmas. To those who are serving our country, or who have family serving, thanks for all you and they do...God Bless America...
My wife got us tickets a couple months ago to go to the Crystal Palace for the Merle Haggard show. He sells out here in Bakersfield, mostly because like Buck Owens, he is from here. We went tonight and it was a good show. The food there is first class too. I enjoyed it and who knows how much longer he will perform. He is getting old, but still pretty durn good.

But my bestest present was from my daughter. It is actually for me and my son in law. Jay Leno donated a tour of his Big Dog Garage to my grandaughters school to be auctioned for athletic equipment. She had heard me and my son in law talking about bikes on his website and she got the winning bid. We haven't firmed up a date to tour the garage yet, but we are trying for the 18th since my son in law gets it off and I will take a vacation day. I just hope they don't throw me out for drooling. Think he will let me take his 1946 WR for a spin or I would settle for the Elvis bike? :D

Very good Christmas for me. I must have been a good boy.:rofl