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The Magic of WD-40

So Glider, Do you think that if I used WD-40 on my wallet it would stop squeeking when I open it while at the dealership?:bigsmiley8:

Have no fear there Joel, the latest rumor has it that they are developing a vacuum system that will remove the cash from your wallet as you come in the door, it saves time this way being you do this any way. :D
I had read somewhere it was developed in the 50's for water displacement for the old Atlas ICBM rockets sitting in the underground silos. Its good stuff, but will evaporate over time. I use Brake-Free on my firearms,and Prizim on aircraft, but keep a can of WD-40 handy for about everything else.
Gee Glider, I thought you were a Pledge man.......
The more I read your insightful threads, the more I like you.
Loved your WD40 spoof. it reminded me of an email that was circulating around for a while with all of these uses for WD40.
WD-40 was developed in 1953 during the initial "space race" by NASA for water displacement(WD) it was successfully developed on the 40th try hence the name WD-40. I found this information on the WD-40 website.
About 25 years ago, while visiting my old grandfather at the nursing home one day, I noticed a near empty can of Water Displacement number 40 next to his bed. Thinking he didn't have a need for that stuff, I asked him about it one day. He said he sprayed it on all his "jernts" each morning and massaged it in. Without it he said he could not get out of bed. I am not recommending anybody use it like he did because it definitely is made for that particular use. But, as most of us know by now, Pledge does not recommend its use for motorcycles either. So, that got me to thinking. If Pap was still alive I wonder if he would have tried Pledge on his old, aching "jernts". I don't know.
WD-40 is a great product that has a miriade of uses (as evidenced by the threads on this post). It is, as pointed out, a pretty powerful solvent. It will disolve a whole lot of things, and you have to keep that in mind. For long term storage, I have always stuck to the appropriate lubricating oil .
Hope you studied them, there's going to be a test.:lero

I think the best thing I have found is it removes gum from a rug followed by a shampoo of the rug to get rid of the WD40

I never thought I'd see it - a product Glider likes better than Pledge. :D