Hi Scooner
As Dr.Evil says, my point was to see if the internal spacer is correct length without having the other spacers etc confusing the picture. That's why this is best performed with the wheel off, and only minimum parts on the axle (preferably also done with dry bearings).
Your bike is different from mine, as you also have some internal shims etc. Regardless, from your description it sounds like your mech has set up your bearing free play to .006 which is probably ok.
But, looking at your latest pictures I note one important difference from mine:
Your RHS is ok - there's really not much going on there. The axle is stepped resting against your spacer (speedo pickup), and the position is fixed.
The LHS of your axle however also has a step, and your spacer is larger ID than your fork leg axle bore.
This could mean that IF the LHS spacer is too slim (swapped with the rear, as suggested?) the LHS fork leg will tighten up against this step leaving free play for the wheel. That's got to be it.
Let us know how this goes - inquiring minds want to know...