Thanks Murf for this post.
There's no need to post language to get a point across like some do, to me it just reinforces the fact that they either want to be noticed and need attention or they aren't well educated.
Since the implementation and enforcement of the "no language" rule, we have lost quite a few members but they weren't the type of members that make up a quality forum like HDTimeline.
There are still those that join and have to make a big fuss about not being able to cuss on the forum which they soon realize that they either stop or they are removed from the membership list.
Not very hard to understand.
Always great to hear from the Boss, and even greater for him to reenforce the policies that have made this forum the best on the web. I had to laugh at the post about the photography forum and the type of behavior found there. I'm afraid that our society has way to many of these types. People seem to think that whatever is on their mind and whatever form it comes out is fine. Brian says it best "have mind in gear before----".