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The quality of this forum

Thanks Murf for this post.

There's no need to post language to get a point across like some do, to me it just reinforces the fact that they either want to be noticed and need attention or they aren't well educated.
Since the implementation and enforcement of the "no language" rule, we have lost quite a few members but they weren't the type of members that make up a quality forum like HDTimeline.
There are still those that join and have to make a big fuss about not being able to cuss on the forum which they soon realize that they either stop or they are removed from the membership list.

Not very hard to understand.

Always great to hear from the Boss, and even greater for him to reenforce the policies that have made this forum the best on the web. I had to laugh at the post about the photography forum and the type of behavior found there. I'm afraid that our society has way to many of these types. People seem to think that whatever is on their mind and whatever form it comes out is fine. Brian says it best "have mind in gear before----".

I implemented this rule a while after I came here because of another forum where anytime you posted a valid question, the jokers would flame you and use language instead of giving an answer which tells me they don't know the answer or they would have given it to look a bit more intelligent than they did by what they replied.

There's no need for language being posted on an internet forum at all and it makes me wonder when I see someone attempting to get a point across using language when they would be more respected if they just asked without the language.

Most forums where language abounds usually have very little useful content.

Makes a person think!
Simply put - HDTimeline's the best on the net. I always feel comfortable around good friends who have quality advice!
I stumbled upon this site a few years ago. After seeing the quality conversations and the genuine care that folks here want to help I never looked anywhere else. They say the professionals who can spot counterfeit bills don't study the counterfeits, since there are so many, they study the real thing to a point that at a glance they will know when they see a fake. In my opinion this forum is the real deal and all the rest are the fakes. Thanks HDT.
Always great to hear from the Boss, and even greater for him to reenforce the policies that have made this forum the best on the web. I had to laugh at the post about the photography forum and the type of behavior found there. I'm afraid that our society has way to many of these types. People seem to think that whatever is on their mind and whatever form it comes out is fine. Brian says it best "have mind in gear before----".

#1 here Lets keep the Forum clean and growing:s
Due to standard of the rules of this forum then it tends to be quality people that stick around and i think i would be quite happy to meet or welcome any member to my home that has been regular on the forum for a while
we can all have wee lapses in thought and the moderators are here to guide the forum members in the correct direction when it is needed

thanks to the moderators and members for making this a quality forum, I had hoped to learn a few things back when I joined but never expected to actually feel like part of a family. I know that whatever I post here will be treated with respect and every one is a friend. I still hope we can have some sort of rally or other to get to meet some of you all.
I kinda knew the type of replies I'd get from my post and wasn't disappointed. I have found friends, knowledge and ideas here that are very important to me for many reasons. And truthfully, the language ban helps me be a better person.
This is Home even after a bad hair day u all welcomed me back it just doesnt get any better than this IMO without rules and a great mod team we would have Anarchy:newsmile03: