I haven't been the most active of posters on the forum. Part of that was last year after i had an accident, and wrote the bike off i just didn't want to think about what i was missing. This year i finally after much waiting got delivery of my new ride.
But, my wife has suprised me now to all ends. She has been hesitent to get on a bike after dropping my bike last year (no real damage, just a cracked master cylinder resovoir). Anyways, she and i got to talking, and she found a bike that she just loved but the price was out of our range. I told her if she wanted a bike i would quit smoking. Thinking that she would be to scared to go through with it.
Well two months later we are at our dealership trying to get a friends wife fit for different models, and my wife disappears. She's talking to the our salesguy. She hated the colour of it but the price was unbeatable. Next thing i know shes at the car getting her purse to make a deposit.
Short story long, i have to quit smoking i guess as she is now the proud owner of a 2011 Sportser Superlow.
Sorry for the long read, but i'm just excited that she's taken that final step and getting off of the back of my ride, and onto her own!