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Things You Should Never Use On Or Do To Your Bike.

Never let any one without a valid Motorcycle Endorsement ride your bike
If you are using a hydraulic bike lift or jack, NEVER rely on the hydraulic pressure to hold your 700 lb. dysfunctional baby up in the air. ALWAYS lower the bike back down to the mechanical stops.
If you want to keep dust off your bike because you have a dirt drive....DO on the wet grass...Yes I have been lucky so far.
Never ride where you can't see the ground in front of you, or to put it another, more personal way; Never ride through tall grass where things that go bump (like low stumps) might be hiding!
Always prior to riding your bike and at the end of your ride look over your bike real GOOD for anything obvious. You will be amazed to what you will see and diagnose before the problem gets worse. When your riding, always pay attention to any new noises or conditions you have never noticed before. If you notice something, pull over and check it out and make sure the bike is in a condition to continue on without damage. If you discover a problem, get home and come to "HD Talking" with your problems and see if the problem can be taken care of by the wonderful members and moderators of this site. It will save you time and money in the long run, oh and also learn at the same time.

Also, if you are riding in extreme hot temps and humid environment, when you are finished riding and you store your bike in a enclosed garage or wherever. Make sure you allow your bike to cool down outside before you store it. Taking a hot bike that was just done being rode and putting it in a hot garage will cause the humidity levels to increase which creates moisture in the air and will sit on your bike. We all know what moist environments will do to a motorcycle, "RUST"! I have figured this out first hand! Since letting the bike cool down first and then store the results are a lot better.

Best way to treat bolts or allen head bolts with the beginning of rust. I spray WD-40 on the bolts and let sit for a bit and then take a scouring pad or maybe a brillo pad and very lightly go over it to remove the surface rust. The next time I clean the bike I will spray WD-40 first before I hit it with water to keep from promoting more damage with the rust. These are my experiences only, they may be bad for some members who have tried it or good. It may be that a member has never tried it before. I dont know, im just giving my little input is all. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a very SAFE on also!:s