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Things You Should Never Use On Or Do To Your Bike.

Never put a padlock on your front rotor..while in theory this is a good idea, if you forget to leave it on and back your bike up out of the garage you can easily snap or damage your speedo cable. Steering lock is much better!

I believe in the "proper" use of a disc lock, but NEVER put in on backwards, you may not be able to get the key in if it latches...:small3d015:
Wizards is the bomb. Best product for everything paint, chrome and windshield, and I'm not even getting paid to say that.
I don't care if you just started it that very second.... do not touch the header pipe!!!
Boot scuffs

My wife got her boot too close to the pipe and left a good sized black mark. I couldn't figure out how to remove it and finally came up with "use a propane soldiering torch on it". Apply the heat until it gets really soft and then just scrape it off. Repeat until satisfied. Works like a charm and does not leave any kind of 'mark'.
Do not park with the nose facing downhill where you can't back it up! That can be real embarrassing. Make sure you can leave yourself an out! :D
I melted part of my boot on my pipes. Once the pipes were cool Pledge took it right off.