Pack backrest and Grab Strap? I hope not.
They are not needed. The strap fits just fine and the backrest has slightly different stitching which no one will even notice. Don't waste your money.
Pack backrest and Grab Strap? I hope not.
I am 5'5" with a 28" inseam on a good day and just took delivery of my new Ultra last Friday. Had them install front and rear lowering kit plus Reach seat before it ever left the dealer. Still wish I could get it about 1" lower. I can touch ground firmly with the balls of both feet, not much different than other bikes I have had but the Ultra is much heavier. About 150# more than the LC1500 I have ridden for the past 11 years.
Almost dropped mine in an unlevel section my yard the day after I got it. Moving slowly hit a hole in the yard and the bars went full lock to the left. I was not expecting or ready for this and it took everything I had to keep it from going down.
I will get used to her but my two biggest complaints are the passenger floorboards hit me right in the calves when trying to balance during a slow move or starting off. That and I have to lean her over to the right past center a good bit to get the stand up.
I have a set of Baron's mounts on the way for the floorboards to raise them since the wife is shorter than me and the dealer is going to look at the stand to see if a wedge plate will solve my other issue.
Other than that......I love this bike and I have owned many since I started riding over 40 years ago.
Hey guys.
I currently own an 09 nightrain and am thinking of getting a touring bike. I'm loving the UC. Not sure Im tall enough though. I'm 5'3 at 125lbs. I've been riding for 20 years. I've ridden a 03 goldwing and handled it fine. Reverse helped.what do you guys think. I'm keeping my softale. But I'm wanting a touring bike. And the UC has stolen my heart.