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Thinking of summer

Heavy rain and thunderstorms here right now with lightning and 55 degrees. Turning colder tonight with heavy winds and low of 14 degrees. This is more like March. I did smile today though when I lifted the cover up on my bike.:)
We were in Orlando Wednesday thru Saturday looking at properties the weather was low in high 50's high in low 80's perfect for riding but we couldn't take the bike:(
Even if it warmed up here, there is so much salt residue on the road that cleaning the bike after a ride would be impossible. Now if I only had a car wash in my garage......HMMMMMMMM :rolleyes:
We had 15* centigrade here yesterday summer temp for here there is still some salt on the roads but a lot of the salt is on my car now
Today a wee bit cooler but i was outside in a t shirt for a couple of hours moving 1.5 tons topsoil with a shovel and wheel barrow
I think my back may complain about all the hard work tomorrow
Bike will stay in the shed for now garden work for the next few weeks will consume my time

Yew trees are dormont at this time of year 2 were dead and 3 others were under severe stress so dug them up and dug out the soil around them which was heavy clay soil and replaced with quality topsoil with a third being compost and a good lacing of bonmeal root builder waiting now for 2 new plants to arrive to replace the dead ones
when they wake up mid to end of march then hopefully they will thrive in the new soil
planted them 3 years ago they are only about 3 feet high the other 45 are doing well all between 5 and 6 feet

Sounds like you know quite a bit about keeping them going,and in good health.Makes sense now,to remove/replace while dormant.Same here with temps. in mid to late March.
Spring must be on the way, seen a Robin yesterday and today bird dodo on my windshield.
Neither helps the 12 plus inches of snow in the yard or forecast for more in the next few days. But a guy can still have hopes of spring.
Only know about the plants i have i have a 25 plant hedge at the back and a 50 plant hedge at the front trying to break the wind and give wildlife a bit of food and shelter so i have native plants hedge at the back is about 6 years and usually has a small flock of birds sheltering in it it may be ready for trimming and shaping this year
Going to be 17 centigrade this weekend that is warm summer weather here Bike needs new tyres i will get round to that job soon perhaps
too many jobs to do and everything takes much longer than it used to old age really has slowed me down
