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Thoughts on oil change - Take it in or Do it yourself?

Did you change your Primary also at the same time? What Brand of Primary are you running.

No, I didn't change the primary - it's still got the HD oil placed by the dealership.

I'm trying to find a source of Spectro ( Heavy Duty Primary Chain case Oil) in the UK before I change.
Your problem may be caused by a wee bit of clutch drag
perhaps the air temp being cooler the oil in the primary still a bit thick on that first selection of gear
perhaps also time to check clutch adjustment
you really want to stick to the hd oil in the transmission of the sportster as you wont find anything much better i have used the sport trans fluid and formula + in mine both work well

Your problem may be caused by a wee bit of clutch drag
perhaps the air temp being cooler the oil in the primary still a bit thick on that first selection of gear
perhaps also time to check clutch adjustment
you really want to stick to the hd oil in the transmission of the sportster as you wont find anything much better i have used the sport trans fluid and formula + in mine both work well


Thanks Brian.
I'll check the clutch next week once I'm home :D. The thing that bugged me was that it was an IMMEDIATE issue upon changing the oil and then starting her up and putting her in gear.
You're not a fan then of the Spectro Heavy Duty Primary which gets a lot of positive press on this site?
My bikes are a bit older and ive been around bikes for a long time and do prefer to stay with mineral oils wherever possible
but the harley oils for the sportster primary/transmission are as good as youll get as you have the primary and a gearbox in one
gearbox likes a thick oil and primary likes a medium oil too thick in the primary and the clutch will drag/stick too thin in the gearbox and youll get rapid wear
polymer is used to make oils multigrade and the chopping action of the gears meshing can break polymer up very quickly so you end up with a single weight oil after a wee while
so using the stuff that was designed alongside the mechanical part is perhaps the best to use

The local HD dealership carried out the 1st service on the 'Mighty one' last week, I took it back to them because it was free, but reading all the messages here, I think I will carry out the next one myself, one last bit of advice, what oil would you use to top her up, I am covering about 1400 miles a month, and going through the winter she is bound to use a bit, or should I go back to HD, find out what oil they used and stick with that :newsmile061:
The local HD dealership carried out the 1st service on the 'Mighty one' last week, I took it back to them because it was free, but reading all the messages here, I think I will carry out the next one myself, one last bit of advice, what oil would you use to top her up, I am covering about 1400 miles a month, and going through the winter she is bound to use a bit, or should I go back to HD, find out what oil they used and stick with that :newsmile061:

Hi Schuey,

Welcome to the Forum. It's a great site for learning about your bike and how to look after it. I went with the advice of many here and did an oil change myself at about 1200miles just to put in a fully synthetic. I chose Mobil 1 V-twin which is not easy to find in the UK. I bought it from Trojan Horse - google it and pm me if you have any problem and I'll send you the www.
As to other lubes - you will see just in this thread that there are many options and opinions. I think our cousins across the pond have greater access to different products and also meet with less resistance with using non Harley products on the bikes at their dealerships. The consensus is either go fully synthetic or stick to fossil but HD Syn 3 is not well regarded if they try to sell it to you.

Enjoy and ride safe :D
HD dealer I go to offers Spectro oil, primary lube and tranmission lube
I do not know were you can get any better than that.
Other one near by offers all Redline oil and lubes if you want it

you're lucky then , the last time I went to mine they didn't even have HDs' primary oil in stock. Went to Cycle Gear and got Redline. Well in hindsight that dealership changed hands not long after that so there must have been some inventory reduction going on.
I had the dealer do the 1000 mile - I figured they would do all of the checks (maybe maybe not...). If you want something other than HD fluids you can ask if they will install what you supply.

The fluid changes are pretty easy - everything you need to know is here on the site. I've done the changes since the 1000 mile. The biggest issue is getting the oil filter off without making a mess... There are a number of suggestions on the site but I'm still trying to find the one that I can get to work :D

GroundHawg, have you tried this?...I am drinking healthier now, used this modified reuseable OceanSpray Cranberry Juice plastic jug. Not a drop of oil mess...


Thanks Cedarbrook, I will have a look around for that oil, let you know how I get on,


Totally agree, I have only been here a short while, but it is a great site with great people:worthy :worthy