Thanks, will look into it.If I had an 04 or up H-D and was considering the ThunderMax, I would look long and hard at the Revolution Performance Precision EMS. It is just plug and play. No further tuning necessary.
Taken from the Revolution Performance website.
Revolution Performance Precisionâ„¢ EMS
Revolution Performance has created another revolutionary product for Harley-Davidson® Twin Cam® motorcycles—the Precision™ Engine Management System. It isn’t just another controller claiming to be self-tuning, or one that is cumbersome to install. This new EMS is a true self-optimizing system—adjusting almost instantly with little further adjustment. No resetting, no laptop, no dyno, just set it up once and ride! Other benefits include:
* Very easy to install
* Improved throttle response
* Improved fuel economy
* ’08-up TBW fully supported
* Takes full advantage of the factory ECU
* Maintains all OEM safeguards and features
* Self adjusts when you upgrade other parts on the engine
This looks to me like something good. :s
I recently installed the Thundermax on my 09 CVO. I started out with V&H true dual cross under header pipes and changed the baffels in the SE slip ons that came on the bike. After I installed the ThunderMax, while the ridability of the bike on the freeway improved, in town and on decel I had problems. Seems the auto tune adjust the fuel-Air ratio but cannot change anything else so you end up tinkering with things like the fuel cut off set points to keep the motor from popping on decel, the accel fuel timing setting to stop the motor from stumbling on acceleration, The % of moisture on the air side of the throttle gate that adjust the avalible fuel so there's not a lag between the throttle accuation and the responce. The avalible maps address some of these issues but every bike is different. I had the map installed for the 09 110" CVO with V&H True Duals and Reignhart Slip on's. The bike wouldn't run right (stumbling and backfireing through the throttle body) at low speed and popped, a lot, on decel. I messed with the settings and got it 's low speed performance better and got rid of most of the decel popping but still wasn't real happy. The bike ran great on the freeway, up hills and performance at anything over 2800rpm was not an issue. I finally installed a set of the Reignhart slip ons and re-installed the map, without my adjustments, to my dismay the old problems came back and I'm going through the sequence of trial and adjust again.Has anyone put a Thundermax tuner on a 2010 Streetglide? If so, what kind of pipes did you go with?
interesting little cheaper than tmaxx but not much .. like to hear from someone who actually has used it though
I recently installed the Thundermax on my 09 CVO. I started out with V&H true dual cross under header pipes and changed the baffels in the SE slip ons that came on the bike. After I installed the ThunderMax, while the ridability of the bike on the freeway improved, in town and on decel I had problems. Seems the auto tune adjust the fuel-Air ratio but cannot change anything else so you end up tinkering with things like the fuel cut off set points to keep the motor from popping on decel, the accel fuel timing setting to stop the motor from stumbling on acceleration, The % of moisture on the air side of the throttle gate that adjust the avalible fuel so there's not a lag between the throttle accuation and the responce. The avalible maps address some of these issues but every bike is different. I had the map installed for the 09 110" CVO with V&H True Duals and Reignhart Slip on's. The bike wouldn't run right (stumbling and backfireing through the throttle body) at low speed and popped, a lot, on decel. I messed with the settings and got it 's low speed performance better and got rid of most of the decel popping but still wasn't real happy. The bike ran great on the freeway, up hills and performance at anything over 2800rpm was not an issue. I finally installed a set of the Reignhart slip ons and re-installed the map, without my adjustments, to my dismay the old problems came back and I'm going through the sequence of trial and adjust again.
I'm not running down this product, like I said the bike runs GREAT on the freeway, my seat dyno tells me I'm making a lot more torque and HP. You can acually feel the ECM making adjustments right after you put it on while your riding the bike, you feel the bike smooth out or even up on accelaration. I just wish I didn't have to tinker and mess with it to get it to run right at low speeds. The map you load might work great for you, I have heard a lot of people say they plugged it in and everything was fine. As for me, I love it except for the adjustment period and that might just be because I am not computer savey and don't have a lot of patience for this kind of stuff. Anyway good luck and let everyone know how things work for ya.
Not sure Bud...........can you tell me how to turn it on?Are you using the quick learn setting
Thanks Bud, I'll try it.