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Tire Dressing

....I apply it with a sponge I never spray in on the tire itself. ....:6:

Great advice. Even too much just on the sidewall will spin out onto the tread once you get riding. I would even be concerned that rain or other water may spread that slick substance onto the tread.
Clean and dry rubber shouldn't look dull. Clean it right and your tires should look fine and last years. If your tires are so old that the sun has a chance to degrade the rubber....YOU'RE NOT RIDING ENOUGH!:bigsmiley20:
Try using an SOS pad and water, it is not shiny but will take the dirty look away. Be careful to stay off the rims if aluminum.
How about products for the white wall tyres?What do people use on them?
Granted,i've yet to clean my FLSTN,but a big part of the bike's looks is those
big white rings.When they go dirty brown,they make the whole bike look shabby,unloved and decidedly secondhand.:dknow
I've had good results with simple green but I cleaned them often so it's not necessary to have a strong cleaner. It keeps them nice and white. If you have stains, some lacquer thinner will usually remove them but not to use on a regular basis.
I use one of the foam type paint brushes, just put whatever you use on the brush and then do the side walls, NOT the tread area..........