Take a couple of chemistry and physics classes and you will be able to figure this out for yourself - don't copy your friend's homework, you won't learn anything. I'm an engineer and I just use the air from my compressor. I do use a special blend of ~80% nitrogen and ~20 % oxygen that I blend myself. I always use rarified ambient air if I can get it. If I'm talking, I usually get a blend of hot air and ambient air. Pure nitrogen is just one more thing to add to your already long list of stuff to worry about. Unless you buy a bottle of nitrogen gas and a regulator and strap it to your bike you will be worried that your pressure is low and have to drive to the tire shop to fill up and they might be closed or you might be on a ride on a sunday and on and on and on. Just use air and "be happy"... Oh, I forgot, you better use pure nitrogen in your air shocks because "regular" air (with ozone in it...OMG) will rot the seals on the schrader valves, your rear air shocks will go down and the sparks from your rear fender may start a forest fire further exacerbating Al Gore's global warming scenario. (Hey, he's an attorney, perhaps he should take a few chemistry and physics classes too!)