When I checked the front tire last night, it didn't have MAX Pressure, it did have MAX Load of 783lbs at 40PSI Cold.
On the rear tire around the edge of the rim states....Safty Warning Serious injury may result from tire failure due to underinflation/overloading.Comply with Load Restrictions in owners manual. Maintain 40PSI for dual riding or Fully Loaded. Check Frequently .
By all means check with the tire manufacturer on proper inflation rates for your brand of tire.
I have been going by the side wall and I too get more mileage out of my tires than a lot of my friends, even tire wear ,no cupping and I ride in all weather with no handling problems.
I'm taking the snow tires off the 300 tonight, so I'm gonna check and see what auto tires have on them as far as Max Pressure or Max Loads.
The tires on the car have a MAX load of 1780lbs at 44PSI Max Pressure is what was written on the sidewall
Here's some info I found on Dunlop site...might help in determining proper tire inflation, for Dunlops anyway
For high-speed, fully loaded or dual-riding touring motorcycle applications, inflate front tires to maximum recommended by vehicle manufacturer for Dunlop fitment and rear tires to maximum load inflation pressure on sidewall. Rear touring tires must be inflated to a minimum of 36 psi for light to medium loads and 40 psi for dual riding and other loads. Never exceed maximum load indicated on tire sidewall or vehicle capacity load found in owner's manual.