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To admins and mods.

loved this read, started out with one place then went to 2 then went to each state, then went across the world, kind of opposite the not in my back yard. this could become a moveing event, poor glider he will never be home. It could work if people met at a booth at some national rallies or local. dont have as much time invested and get to meet some of the felloe group members. what you think?
yes your right , the tent would be empty as every one would be out for a ride, or at the local tavern,

but really if hdt sold a patch for a additional donation then when we are out on the road or at the beer tent we might be able to find each other and strike up a conversation, plus hdt would benefit and help continue this great website
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A while back when I used to be a regular at a local watering hole or restaurant, there was sign in board, where you could "buy" a free drink or meal for a friend...

If we had an HDTimeline logo on a small banner when visible it would be an informal welcome/hello for members' who visit another favorite members' place of ours. We could do a pins and have call sign ID card, so that if you identify yourself, you put a pin from your country or locale with choice or HDTimeline pin and in return get a free drink or meal. This is just something I am thinking on the fly here...