Well, after thinking about it long and hard for a few days, I decided this was the one I wanted and I was going to buy it. Got all the $$$$$ arranged and went into the dealer a few hours ago. Bike was still there. I wasn't sure if it sold over the weekend or not, but I was happy to see it still sitting there. Had a few smudges on it from over the weekend when they had "Demo Days", so there's no telling how many people were touching and sitting on MY bike. Got with the salesman and he got some polish and we're cleaning it up real good. I don't want to spend that kind of $$$$$ to find some hidden scratches later on. 5 minutes later, here comes another salesman and he's putting a "SOLD" sign on it. I said thank you. He said for what??? I said for putting the sold sign on my bike. He said it's not yours. Somebody else bought it last night. :bigsmiley15:
Each dealer only gets one of these models and as of right now, there are none to be found in the N. Texas area. DOH!!!!!!!

Well, now I've got a bunch of cash lying around, so who wants to party??? (or drown my sorrows with me). Yes people, it's time to start drinking heavily. I went from the kid on Xmas morning to the kid who just lost his puppy in the span of 5 minutes. You'd think the dealer could have at least called me to see if I still wanted it before they sold it. They knew how interested I was in it. I didn't spend 4 hours there talking deals and numbers with them because I had nothing better to do. Ok, I vented enough.