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To Re-tire or Not to Re-tire?

Go new! Old tires are just a problem waiting to happen plus why take a chance on damaging the new rims with additional tire changes. I recommend the new Dunlap 407 and 408 tires that come on the new baggers, they have the hard center and softer sides. I have 17,000 on them and they still look pretty good. In the fall the dealer said they are good for at least another 3,000 but when the snow is gone they are too. I didn't want my baby sitting on new rubber all winter, fresh shoes for spring if it ever gets here, -5 last night and still 10 inches of the white stuff. Global warming?

First off Old Mike,

The Dunlop 407 & 408 do not come in wide white walls or my size tires.

My problem is the tires only have 5K miles on them after just 3.5 years.

I called the dealer and told them my situation and what my opinion was of the rear tire's condition and asked the price of the tire. After they shocked me with the price, the service rep told me not to be hasty and order a new tire prematurely without letting them look at it when I bring the bike in for the installation of the wheels. I was blown away by that suggestion. You'd think they would just push a new tire onto me. So I will wait and let them look and make a recommendation. Then I will make a final decision at that time.
I get my rubber from J&P. I think the Metzeler ME880 WWW for your bike are around $160 rear $120 Front, my HD shop charges $60 to mount and balance both. Leaves you doing the grunt work but I love that part personally... So around $340ish for both going that way, where I used to pay about $280 just for the rear tire, R&R, mount and balance at the shop.
Biker Geek..Let us know what the HD shop have for opinions and recommendations..

You guys (and gals) will be the second ones to know. If this dealership has any honesty in them they just might tell me to keep the tires. Hopefully install wheels this Saturday (04/02/11) if weather permits. They want $207.00 just for the rear tire. UGH!

I just might decide to keep them and in two years when they will be five years old replace them both with Metzler tires. Bought those for my Honda VT1100C2 five years ago and they were decent tires and about $350.00 installed for both.
Biker Geek..Let us know what the HD shop have for opinions and recommendations..

OK, here's what happened...

Actually, I haven't seen it or picked the bike up from the dealer; still there since last Saturday but the wheels were installed as per the service writer. The service writer told me that the tires were OK and not necessary to change them. Apparently he felt they were still viable tires (5K miles). Can ya believe that? So I went with his suggestion. Heck, why not? They're the "pros". They know best!!

I really felt the tires were OK but was concerned about the "flatness" of the rear tire and needed their recommendation. Now I just need to get the bike home to inspect but the weather here has been terrible and unpredictable. Weather permitting I hope to pick it up tomorrow after work.

:p So there you go; Harley's service writer's opinion and recommendation.
I must say im surprised the dealer didnt try to sell you new tires..Thats cool.. My tires only have 4000 miles on them and if I were to by new wheels I would go with one new tire on the rear aneyway so i wouldnt half to mess with them for a while...But thats just me.. Im glad you had some good news from the dealer and your bike will look great when you get it home..Can you post a picture of your bike when home? MAT
Since mat60 asked, here are two pictures of the bike with new wheels. A friend didn't like the whitewalls with the new wheels. Compare the two pics. The blackwall version is an edited version of the whitewall pic. What do you all think looks the best? I will not sway opinions by indicating my preference until the "voting" is in. :taunt


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Nice wheels man...Thay look good and I think thay would be fairly eazy to cleen...I like the black tires myself