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Too cold for ya?

Its great to see there is quite a few of you guys still riding. Like doug rooney mentioned I too do not like to ride in the winter time any more. Its getting older that does it. I have not become a sunny and 70 guy yet. So I just make up for it and ride the wheels off the bike come warmer weather. Bikes 2 years old and has 18,000 miles on it.
"i remember having to follow a slot in the snow made by a lorry for 50 miles that was hard work". Fin I was in those same shoes in '79 and '80 and I remember those butterflies at the top of the mountains starting downhill. That'll pucker up your drawstring! LOL. :p By the way Doug a lorry is a big truck.
What is a Lorry Brian? You Scots gotta speak english or am I outta the loop??LOL!

Sorry i was using English English rather than American English and i thought that might be a good form of English to use so sorry i was not trying to confuse you so it is not Scots or Doric but lorry is a truck in American English :p

I will take a pleausre ride of about 15 miles when it gets down to about 40. Beyond that, it's too cold. The weather report in St. Louis calls for warmer weather this week (about 40), so I plan to get out of work a bit early to take a quick ride. My husband puts his bike up for the winter but I keep mine ride ready. He thinks I'm insane! Probably am.... :bigsmiley14:
Rode in 25 degree temps so far, wearing quilt lined bib overalls, neck wrap, 3/4 helmet w/faceshield, leather jacket and thinsulate gloves. The only part that was cold was my finger tips. Will continue to ride as the temps drop and I am also the only bike in the parking lot now, usually 4.
Brian, We refer to that as the Queen's English.:D With the introduction of technology nowadays we must all also know Urban Language and Texting Slang. It will never end.

Back onto the topic... No it isn't too cold here in Phoenix!! :s

Aye there are lots of variations of English and although i understand most of them at times i will use a word or words that i am comfortable using and perhaps they are not commonly used for that meaning elsewhere and i dont mind being asked if i have confused someone
Anyway it is getting warm here and all the snow has melted over the last 2 days new danger lots of roads are flooded

Wow I just got back from a ride. It is about 45 out and that is ok with me. I was feeling pretty depressed and that ride really picked me up! I hope we get more days like that!
30*F would be my personal "voluntary best" with just plain leather and thermals...18*F would not be my idea of an "entertaining ride", more like a necessary evil.
Aye there are lots of variations of English and although i understand most of them at times i will use a word or words that i am comfortable using and perhaps they are not commonly used for that meaning elsewhere and i dont mind being asked if i have confused someone
Anyway it is getting warm here and all the snow has melted over the last 2 days new danger lots of roads are flooded


Hey Brian, In American English...I was just joshin' ya.
And about the "Queen's English"??...As some say here in the Nort: Yous don't get on so well with the Brit's do you? Or is all that "Braveheart stuff" over?
Hey Brian, In American English...I was just joshin' ya.
And about the "Queen's English"??...As some say here in the Nort: Yous don't get on so well with the Brit's do you? Or is all that "Braveheart stuff" over?

We are all Brits on these islands but 4 different races the Scots Irish and welsh all have their own distinct identities and cultures and each are proud of their own heritage but to say anything further would be political and a big no no on this forum
